In addition to the membership and program fees, the club also receives funds from the following sources:
- Government lottery funds
- Corporate and private sponsors – contact the club at for more info
Here are some of the items that the funds help pay for:
- Coach and officials training. All coaches are volunteers and, in order to provide the club with a good program, the coaches need regular training. The club also organizes or assists in organizing several cross country ski competitions over a season that require trained officials.
- Staffing. As the club has grown, in order to be successful, we have found a need to start paying for some positions, such as part-time coaches and a part-time registrar and administrator.
- Equipment. This not only includes items like our skating skis, ski poles and wax, but also administrative items like computers, software, our web site and equipment used for club events and ski competitions.
- Travel. This includes the subsidies for the race team trips and for expenses for the executive members attending the annual Cross Country B.C. Club Workshop and AGM.
- Competition and Clothing Subsidies. In order to keep children involved and excited about being part of the club, and to encourage their participation in the sport outside of the regular sessions, the club often subsidizes some events and club clothing.
Thanks to all of our sponsors!