COVID 19 – Safety Plans
What is 2m?

General Protocols (All locations)
- If you don’t feel well or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or are required to self-isolate, you must stay home. If you are unsure if you have symptoms please use the online self-assessment tool
Updated COVID-19 Protocols - September 15, 2022
Updated COVID-19 Protocols - Dec 22nd, 2021
Hollyburn continues to follow BC gov’t orders and viaSport updates as well as sport specific updates provided by Cross Country BC. The following remains in place for outdoor sport:
– Outdoor sports for adults and youth can take place including practices and competitions
– Canada Wide travel is allowed
– Physical distance does not need to be maintained on or off the field of play
– Masks are not required
Updated COVID-19 Protocols as of Dec. 22nd, 2021
– Races will continue as scheduled as clarified by the PHO: Other sport activities that normally take place in a sport environment can continue, including: Participating or competing in individual sports like skiing, swimming or skating
In order to ensure the health and safety of ALL members and program participants the following protocols have been approved as of Nov 22, 2021.
- All Hollyburn club coaches and volunteers working with Hollyburn children/athletes in the field of play must be fully vaccinated.
- Any person travelling in the Hollyburn club van must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask at all times when not eating or drinking.
- All Hollyburn race team athletes must be fully vaccinated to stay and eat with the team and attend team meetings at races.
- Access to Hollyburn club hut is limited to registered club coaches, volunteers and athletes.
- Masks must be worn by all participants when indoors, including in the club waxing cabin.
- Masks must be worn at any outdoor wax tent or team tent when physical distancing can’t be maintained.
- Hot chocolate and food may be distributed by designated volunteers/coaches following a strict protocol (to be defined). Athletes/children should bring their own snacks.
Training at Cypress - Dec. 2020 to Mar. 2021
- Skiers will be required to wear face coverings while walking from their vehicles to the meeting area; once they begin skiing face coverings can be lowered. If at any time it is difficult to maintain a physical distance between skiers, face coverings will be worn.
- To provide more space for the ticket area, all Hollyburn skiers will arrive and approach the Hollyburn meeting area from the path coming up from the tube park. After sessions are over skiers will exit the same way they arrived. Athletes will not enter or exit through the area between the Ticket Office and the Nordic Café.
- There will be a limit of 7 members in the Hollyburn Wax Hut. All members entering the wax hut are required to wear a face covering and hand sanitize on entry. No gear can be left in the wax hut and there will be no sharing of wax equipment. During session times priority will be given to Coordinators. Coaches and skiers are asked to apply wax outside.
- Hollyburn skiers will be asked not to use the brown bag room.
- Skiers will remain outdoors primarily and breaks will be taken outside. Breaks will not be taken in Hollyburn Lodge as it will not be possible to bring any food from outside into the lodge. Skiers will be encouraged to use outhouses rather than the bathrooms in the lodge.
- Skiers will ensure that they ski in single file lines and maintain a physical distance of 2m when possible.
- All teaching and lessons will be done in areas where there is no obstruction to other skiers, and these areas will be reviewed and agreed upon with Cypress.
- Group sizes will be reduced to 6 skiers where possible
Weekend Sessions
- Skiers will arrive 20 minutes before their session starts. If you arrive earlier, we ask that you remain in your vehicle.
- Skiers session start times will be staggered with less than 30 skiers meeting at any one time to reduce congestion and to promote more dispersed groups on the mountain.
- As skiers arrive, they will immediately proceed to the roped waiting areas and maintain physical distance from other skiers as supervised by Coaches, Session Coordinators and Assistants so parents can immediately leave the meeting area.
- Special Events will be altered to ensure no gathering of groups or sharing of equipment.
- Skate skis will be given out by the Skate Ski Coordinators and sanitized on return.
Evening Sessions
- Evening Sessions will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and each evening session will have less than 30 skiers.
- For each evening, Hollyburn Club will ensure there is a Coordinator to take attendance, and supervise the waiting area and to ensure that parents immediately leave at drop off.
- Evening Coordinators will be added for each evening and they will be responsible for giving out the skate skis and sanitizing them at the end.
Season Preparation
- An online orientation meeting will take place for each program in advance of the first on snow session to review the COVID plan and to explain in detail the arrival and meeting area plan to avoid any confusion.
- All Cypress ski passes will be purchased and picked up in advance of the first on snow session.
Training at Whistler Olympic Park - Dec. 2020 - Mar. 2021
- All coaches, volunteers and athletes bring their own masks, hand sanitizer and gloves as required.
- All activities are outdoors and activities are structured so physical distancing is maintained (2m)
- Masks should be worn when not training.
- Athletes and coaches meet at the start of the session to apply wax outside the Biathlon or Cross Country Technical Buildings.
- Indoor space use is not permitted except the washrooms in the Biathlon and Cross Country Technical Buildings.
- If indoor facilities are used (e.g., washrooms), follow all additional facility directives in place.
- Athletes should only travel with members of their household bubble or travel with their training group bubble when masks are worn.
- “Get in, Train, Get out.” Athletes arrive ready to go and do not mingle with the group upon arrival or departure.
- Nothing is shared. If something must be shared (e.g., surfaces), it is cleaned/disinfected between users (e.g., with disinfecting wipes). Assign one individual to read the info on cleaning and disinfectants and to do the disinfecting.
- Shuttle vehicles can be used with proper mask/sanitization usage.
- Participants should be in their vehicles when not training (eg. eating lunch or waiting.)
- Masks and gloves are available in case first-aid is required. Coaches have trained themselves on the proper use of masks.
- Coaches should ensure adequate supervision so that rules are followed, with reminders as needed.
- Post-training, participants should:
- Plan travel for returning home to minimize interactions with other people where possible
- Monitor their health (proper hygiene, symptom screening) and notify public health if symptoms develop
First Aid and Outbreak Plan
First Aid:
In the event that first aid is required to be administered during an activity, all persons attending to the injured individual must first put on a mask and gloves.
First aid protocols for an unresponsive person during COVID-19:
Outbreak Plan:
If any individual reports they are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 and have been at the workplace/activity place, inform the Coach or Session Coordinator and/or CCBC office. They will then execute the Outbreak Plan (pg. 29) provided by viaSport BC.
Appendix A - Illness Policy (from viaSport's Guidelines, pg. 33)
In this policy, “Team member” includes an employee, contractor, volunteer, participant or parent/spectator.
- Inform an individual in a position of authority (coach, team manager, program coordinator) immediately if, you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea or diarrhea.
See BCCDC website for a full list of symptoms:
- Assessment
- Team members must review the self-assessment signage located throughout the facility each morning before their shift/practice/activity to attest that they are not feeling any of the COVID 19 symptoms.
- If Team Members are unsure please have them use the BC COVID-19 self-assessment tool
- Managers/coaches may visually monitor team members to assess any early warning signs as to the status of their health and to touch base on how they are regarding their personal safety throughout the workday/practice/activity.
- If a Team Member is feeling sick with COVID-19 symptoms
- They should remain at home and contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.
- If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms while within the sport environment, they should be sent home immediately and contact 8-1-1 for further guidance.
- No Team Member may participate in a practice/activity if they are symptomatic.
- If a Team Member tests positive for COVID-19
- Follow the direction of health officials.
- Quarantine or Self-Isolate if:
- You have travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days.
- You have come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- You have been advised to do so by health officials.
Appendix B - Cohort Details (from viaSport's Guidelines, pg. 24)
Sport Cohorts
Purpose: Establishing cohorts will limit the number of people that each individual will come into contact with, reducing the risk of transmission and ensuring quicker contact tracing by health authorities if an outbreak occurs.
A cohort is a group of participants who primarily interact with each other within the sport environment over an extended period of time (e.g., series of events).
In this phase:
- All guidance related to personal hygiene, cleaning protocols and symptom-screening still apply.
- Cohorts should be used for activities in which it is not possible to maintain two metres physical distancing at all times. When in a cohort, while individuals do not need to maintain physical distancing during sport specific activities, minimized physical contact is still advised.
- At least two metres distancing should be maintained between all participants when outside of the field of play (e.g., dressing rooms, hallways, team benches, staging areas, etc.). If physical distancing cannot be maintained masks should be worn.
- Cohorts should be made up of individuals/teams of similar age or skill level.
- Each cohort can be comprised of multiple teams in order to form a mini-league. With the use of cohorts, game play can resume between teams within the cohort.
- Cohorts should not exceed the number outlined in Appendix H. [100 for cross country skiing.]
- Cohort sizes are different from maximum group sizes. When members of the cohort are gathering for games or activities, gatherings may not exceed 50 people (see PHO Order). [No longer accurate due to new PHO order.]
- Coaches may be counted outside the total cohort number if they are able to maintain physical distancing at all times.
- Keep players together in designated cohorts and make sure that cohorts avoid mixing with each other as much as possible.
- Cohorts should remain together for an extended period of time. If looking to change cohorts, implement a two-week break between activities.
- Individuals should limit the number of sport cohorts to which they belong in order to reduce the number of people they are interacting with.
- Where officials (if being used) are unable to physically distance, an official(s) should be assigned to a specific cohort and avoid having them interact with multiple cohorts.
- Parents and spectators are not included in the cohort limits. They should continue to maintain physical distancing at all times and are subject to maximum capacity of the facility where play is occurring.