Event Calendar

Teck BC Championships

Larch Hills (Salmon Arm) 300-398 Larch Hills Road, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada

Hollyburn Volunteer Appreciation

Brown's Socialhouse (Lynn Valley) 1255 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

We want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who volunteered during the 2023/2024 ski season. There will be a complimentary drink and snacks for volunteers, and you are welcome to bring a partner. It will be great to see everyone and have a chance to meet of the snow!

Early Registration

Online British Columbia, Canada

The club provides early registration for Coaches, Key Volunteers and their families.

Regular Registration

Online British Columbia, Canada

All others register during regular registration. We will offer priority to non key volunteer roles that are confirmed.

2024 Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club AGM

Online British Columbia, Canada

LOCATION:  Online via a Zoom meeting https://douglascollege-ca.zoom.us/j/5544223404 DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. DETAILS: The AGM will run from 8:00 p.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m. There will be elections of club officers, presentation of financials, a special presentation about the new long-term strategic plan, and group reports. The official AGM notice and agenda are available at the following links: AGM Notice: https://www.hollyburnxc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/AGM-Notice-2024-10-17.pdf AGM […]

Gear Swap 2024

Coast Outdoors 352 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada