Event Calendar

Session #8 Sun AM (JR 3/4, TA, Adv: SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Session #8 at Cypress

Hollyburn Sun Afternoon Session #2 (TA Only SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

If Cypress open session will be at Cypress from 1-3:30  (JR:  Classic,  TA: SKATE) If Cypress is closed we will be relocating to Whistler Olympic Park

Hollyburn Sun Morning Session #2 (TA Only SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

If Cypress open session will be at Cypress from 9-11:30  (JR:  Classic,  TA: SKATE) If Cypress is closed we will be relocating to Whistler Olympic Park

Hollyburn Sat Morning Session #2 (TA Only SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

If Cypress open session will be at Cypress from 9-11:30  (JR:  Classic,  TA: SKATE) If Cypress is closed we will be relocating to Whistler Olympic Park

Sat AM JR, TA, Adventures Make Up Session – TA Classic – JR 3/4 SKATE

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Make Up session if Cypress is Open please check website.   Coaches please let your coordinator know if you are available.

Hollyburn Sun Afternoon Session #2 – Cypress is scheduled to be open

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

If Cypress is open sessions will be at Cypress as normal. If Cypress is closed we will have a dryland session at Cleveland school from 12:30-2pm.

Hollyburn Sun Morning Session #2 (TA Only SKATE) – Cypress is open!

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

If Cypress open session will be at Cypress from 9-11:30  (JR:  Classic,  TA: SKATE) If Cypress is closed dry land will be held at Cleveland Elementary near Capilano Canyon.

Evening Session (SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Evening Session (SKATE)

Evening Session (SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Evening Session (SKATE)

Evening Session (SKATE)

Cypress Mountain - Hollyburn Nordic Area Cypress Mountain Hollyburn Nordic Area, Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Evening Session (SKATE)